Monday, October 27, 2008

Infant Baptism

I helped out at an infant baptism yesterday. It brought back many wonderful memories to see excited parents and godparents lovingly holding their babies over the baptismal font as the celebrant baptised these young ones.

Travel back 9 years, I was in exactly the same shoes as these parents. I was not a Catholic then but as I held my 3-month-old infant out for the water of life, I knew in my heart that it would be the best thing I could do for him.

My son is now an active young man who has his own views and often engages me with them. He can be a handful sometimes and that's when my blood pressure soars to 200 degrees - on a good day. Growing up in this digital world can be very challenging for both the parents and the child.

Developmental psychologists and early childhood experts all agree that the first 6 years are the most critical in a child's formation - physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially. I would go further with a quote from my parish priest that it is even more important spiritually to have a firm and God-centered formation during these crucial early years. Truly...if you could only give your child one thing in life, let it be Jesus.

How a child lives his faith from his day of baptism is largely dependent on his parents and godparents. I am glad to be involved in this beautiful sacrament and pray that these parents will bring up their children in God's ways.

1 comment:

Elsa said...

I can identify with you! It's great to see babies being baptised!