Friday, January 09, 2009

Let Go....and Let God

God works in such mysterious and wonderful ways.

An old friend and I were just casually texting each other yesterday when I felt compelled to share a decade-old story that's been weighing on my shoulders the last few weeks. I did not expect any concrete advice or resolution except a listening ear......or rather, just some words of solace through my phone screen.

Instead, we kind of wandered into discussion about faith. From all likelihood, this friend of mine is the last person on earth I would expect a chat on spirituality. He's a great person and a good friend but he's still the last person on earth I would engage with in a spiritual tête-à-tête.

But God works in such mysterious and wonderful ways. In my down moments, He sent someone to remind me of His love and grace even if that someone is a little odd, given the circumstances!

Everyone has his own cross to bear but I believe the message for me here is to let go and let God.

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