Sparky is one God's creation I love dearly. A Pembroke Welsh Corgi , Sparky must know that his breed is well-loved by the Queen! He's hardy, intelligent, obedient and protective companion of our family with an attitude to boot!! But we love him all the same :0)
I dare say I'm his favourite person at home. From the porch, he gets all excited when he sees me coming home. Before I can even open the gate properly, he'll be up on his two hind legs to give me his dog-hugs. He follows me around the house until I tell him to 'cool it' sometimes. Yes, yes.....he's typically male and loves girls!
He's no angel though. He has been known to tear my shoes to shreds! It was especially heart-breaking when my favourite pair with the dainty ribbons was chewed to smithereens...... Sigh! But I saw it as character building as I grappled with throttling him or learning to put my shoes where they belong - high on the shelves.
That aside, he calms me. When things get hectic in life, I like to sit at the porch with him and simply do nothing. He stays quietly by my side when I coach my son's work. He snuggles up to me when I say my prayers or read the papers.
He asks nothing of me except to be loved.
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