Monday, March 22, 2010

I Forgive

I started out this Lent with great human aspirations. I had an objective. I wanted to be selfless; I claimed to want to focus more on Christ and less on a person..... I had wanted to overcome a particularly tiresome situation through my own strength but in the end, I failed. I found myself doing exactly the things I set out NOT wanting to do.

But all is not lost. While I wallowed in my own faithlessness and despondency, I realised that in His own time, God made me see that through this situation, walls surrounding me were breaking away. I can finally tell myself that a deep disappointment I held against someone else at another time; in another place has been broken away. I can finally say I forgive.

How these 2 incidents and people involved in them are connected escapes me but I know this is God's way of saying He works in amazing ways. I feel free. Eight years is a long time to nurse a disappointment but the ability to forgive is extremely liberating!

This Lent, I learned that I can only do so much through my own efforts but with God's grace, nothing is impossible.

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